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Happy birthday!
Verb to have
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Verb to be, plural form: 动词to be,复数形式

We are friends.我们是朋友。
You are friends.你们是朋友。
They are friend.他们是朋友。

We are sisters.我们是姐妹。
You are brother.你们是兄弟。
They are brother and sister.他们是兄妹。

Questiong and Answer:问答:

Are you friends?你们是朋友吗?
Yes, we are friends.是的,我们是(朋友)


Are they sister?她们是姐妹吗?
No,they are not.不,她们不是(姐妹)。
Are they brothers?他们是兄弟吗?
Yes, they are.是,他们是(兄弟)。

第一册 第二册 第三册


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