
We You They
We sit
The chicken family
Let's count form 11 to 20
Words:horse sheep lamb
this is a cat
Baa!Baa! Black Sheeep
Who can spell "we"?
Learning colors
The flower is red
What color is your book
The Goose Family
I am You are He/She/It is
She is pretty
Johnny is a boy
We are roller skating
did you ever see a lassie
Conversation: Let's go play
Blindman's Bluff
Conversation,role play:It's hot


Conversation 会话:

Let's go play.我们玩去。
Where? 去哪里玩?
The playground.去操场。
Good! 好吧!


slide 溜滑梯 play ball玩球 jump rope 跳绳


Making sentences, say out loud:造句,大声说:

we slide. 我们溜滑梯。
You play ball.你打球。
They jump rope. 他们跳绳。
We do this. 我们这样做。
we do that.我们那样做。

words 单词:
see-saw跷跷板 swing荡秋千

Conversation 对话: Role paly角色扮演:
Play with me. 我们一起玩吧。
O.K. 好啊。
Let's go see-saw. 我们来玩跷跷板。
Let's go swing.我们玩荡秋千。


第一册 第二册 第三册


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