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第三十五集Mister Skinnylegs
Peppa is playing with her doll's house.
"George is playing, too."
Peppa is making a tea party
for the doll family.
"Here, George! I'm the Mummy and Daddy."
You can be the children.
"Children! It's nearly tea time,"
so you must wash your hands.
George's putting the dolls to bed.
Night night!
"George, why are you putting"
the children to bed?
They're having a tea party.
George likes putting
the dolls to bed.
"Children, come down stairs"
right now
or you won't
get any cake!
George isn't listening.
He's too busy putting
the dolls to bed.
George! If you want to play
"with my doll's house,"
you have to help
with the tea party.
"Here, George, you can fill"
the teapot with water.
"Children, come downstairs"
right now.
Mummy! We're coming!
George is going to fill
the teapot with water.
George has found
a spider in the sink.
George wants the
spider to be his friend.
George likes the spider.
The spider likes George.
Peppa loves
playing tea parties.
where are all the
"chocolate biscuits, Daddy?"
We had lots yesterday!
"Oh, err, I'm sorry,"
I must have eaten them all.
Naughty Daddy.
George is putting
the spider to bed.
Night night.
"George, what is it you're doing?"
You have to help me
with the tea party.
"Help, help!"
Daddy! There's a spider
in my bedroom!!
"Don't worry, Peppa."
"Please, Daddy, take it away."
No need to panic.
"Hello, George, have you"
seen the spider?
It's too scary. Take it away.
There's no need
"to be afraid, Peppa."
"Spiders are very, very small"
and they can't hurt you...
"..But don't worry,"
Daddy will take it out of the bedroom.
He's quite big,"
isn't he?
Umm...I'll just fetch Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig!
"Hello, Mr. Skinnylegs."
Peppa feels
a little bit braver.
He likes being in my doll's house.
"Hello, children,"
I hear you've found
a little spider.
I'll take him out of the
bedroom so you two can play.
"Mummy, his name"
is Mr. Skinnylegs.
"Oh! Mr. Skinnylegs is big,"
isn't he?
Peppa and George like the spider.
Night night.
George is putting the
spider to bed.
"No, George!"
He wants some tea.
He doesn't want to be in bed.
"Are you hungry,"
Mr. Skinnylegs?
Would you like some cake?
Peppa isn't afraid of
the spider anymore.
"Mummy, Daddy. Sit down."
We're all going to have tea
with Mr. Skinnylegs.
Who wants tea?
"Me, please! Me, please!"
Peppa loves playing tea parties.
"Here's your tea, Mr. Skinnylegs."
What's that?
You want to say ''hello'' to my daddy?
"Hello, Mr. Daddy Pig!"
"Heh, err, that's all right,"
Let Mr. Skinnylegs
drink his tea..
"You're not scared, are you, Daddy?"
"Oh, no, of course not..."
Not so close.
"Peppa likes Mr. Skinnylegs,"
Everyone likes Mr. Skinnylegs.
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