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Love is a song that never ends
Life may be swift and fleeting
Hope may die yet of beautiful music comes
Each day came like the dawn
Love is a song that never ends
One simple theme repeating
Like the voice of a heavenly choir
Love's sweet music flows on
Like the voice of the heavenly choir
Love's sweet music flows on.

wake up wake up 起床了!
what now 这是怎么啦?
wake up!Friend owl, 起床了!猫头朋友
what's going on around here?到底放生了什么事儿?
wake up It's happened.it happened!
The new prince is born.小王子诞生了!
We're going to see him.
Come on.
You better hurry up.



Well this is quite an occasion
yes, sure, it isn't every day a prince is born.
you're to be congratulated.
Yes, congratulations.
congratulations! congratulations!

Thank you very much.
come on. wake up.
We have company.
Hello there.
little prince
hello hello there
hello little prince.

Look. He's trying to get up.



Kind of wobbly.
Isn't he?
Well he is.
Aren't you
Looks to me like he's getting kindly sleepy.
I think it's time we all left.
Come on
Shu Shu
Come on.
Thumper.Come on.
Whatcha you gonna call him?
well I think I'll call him Bambi.
Yup, I guess That'll do all right.
Bambi. My little Bambi.


Walking already
Well what do you know?


Good morning!
Good morning
Mrs Quail.
And where is the young princess oh

Good morning Bambi
Good morning young prince.

Good morning young prince.
Good morning young prince.
Good morning.
Nice sunny day.


What's the matter? What happened?
Did the young prince fall down
Is he hurt?

No he's all right.
He doesn't walk very good does he?
Yes Mama?
What did your father tell you this morning?

If you can't say something nice,
Don't say nothing at all.


Come on. You can do it.
Hop over it. like this.
You did't hop far enough.
That's it. Now the other one.
Gee whiz, What happened that time?


Those are birds.


Look he's trying to talk.
He's trying to say "bird."
Say "bird."
Come on, say "bird," say "bird."

He talked. Hetalked, Mama.
The young prince said "bird."


No,That's not a bird.

That's a butterfly.
No that's a flower.
It's pretty.



That's not a flower.He's a little...
That's alright
He can call me a flower if he wants to.
I don't mind.
Pretty pretty flower.
Oh Gosh.


I think I better go home now.


Drip drop little April shower
beating a tune as you fall all around
drip drip drop
little April shower
what can compare with your beautiful sound
beautiful sound
beautiful sound
drip drop when the sky is cloudy
your pretty music will brighten the day
when the sky is cloudy
you come along with a song right away
come with your beautiful music
little April shower beating a tune
As you fall all around
drip drip drop
little April shower
what can compare with a beautiful sound
drip drip drop when the sky is cloudy
you come along come along with your pretty little song
drip drip drop when the sky is cloudy
you come along come along with your pretty little song
Gay little roundelay
Gay little roundelay
song of the rainy day
song of the rainy day
How I love to hear the patter Pretty
little pitter-patter
Helter skelter, when you pelter troubles always seem to scatter
drip drip drop
little April shower
Beating a sound as you fall all around
drip,drip,drop little April shower
Little April shower with your beauriful sound
drip drip drop
little April shower
Beating a tune as you fall all around
drip drip drop
little April shower
what can compare with your beautiful sound


Mother, What are we going to do today?
I'm going to take you to the meadow
Meadow? What's the meadow?
It's a very wonderful place.
Then why haven't we been there before?
You weren't big enough.
Mother, you know what?
We're not the only deer in the forest.
Where did you hear that?
Thumper told me.
Well he's right.
There are many deer in the forest besides us.
Then why don't I ever see them?
You will, sometime.
On the meadow?
Hush now.


We're almost there.
The meadow.
Wait.Bambi, wait.
you must never rush out on the meadow.
There might be danger.
Out there, we're unprotected.
The meadow is wide and open,
And there are no trees or bushes to hide us.
So we have to be very careful.
Wait here.
I'll go out first.
And if the meadow is safe,
I'll call you.


Come on Bambi. It's alright.
Come on.
Good morning Prince Bambi.
Good morning young Prince.
Hello. What you eating?
It's awfully good.
It's delicious.
Why don't you try some?
no,not that green stuff.

Just eat the blossoms.
That's a good stuff.
Yes, mama?
What did your father tell you?
About what?
About eating the blossoms and leaving the greens?
Oh that one.
Eating greens is a special treat.
It makes long ears and great big feet.
But it sure is awful stuff to eat.
I made that last part up myself.
Watch out
Watch out


That's little Faline.
He's kind of bashful,isn't he Mama?
Well maybe he wouldn't be
If you'd say hello.
Hello bambi
I said hello.
well aren't you going to answer her?
You are not afraid, are you?
Well, then, go ahead.
go on,say hello.


He stopped and looked at me
Yes I know.
Why was everyone still when he came on the meadow?
Everyone respects him.
For of all the deer in the forest,
not one has lived half so long.
He is very brave and very wise.
That's why he is known as the great prince of the forest.


come on out, Bambi.
come on.
It's safe now.
We don't have to hide any longer.
What happened, mother?
Why did we all run?
Man, was in the forest.


Mother, look.
What's all that white stuff?
Why, It's snow snow.
Snow? - Yes.
Winter has come.


Hiya, Bambi.
Watch what I can do.
Come on.It's alright.
Look. The water is stiff.
some fun, huh Bambi?
Come on, get up like this.


kind of wobbly
aren't you?
got to watch both ends at the same time.
Guess you better unwind it.


Wake up. wake up. Flower.
Is it spring yet?
nope. Winter's just started.
What are you doing?
what do you want do that for?
All of us flowers sleep in the winter.
Well, good night.


winter sure is long, isn't it?
It seems long. but it won't last forever.
I'm awful hungry, Mother.
Yes I know.
Bambi Bambi come here.
New spring grass.


Bambi. Quick. the thicket.
Faster! faster! Bambi.
Don't look back.
Keep running. Keep running.
We made it.
Mother, Mother, where are you?
Your mother can't be with you anymore.
Come My son.


Let's sing a gay little spring song
This is the season to sing
So I'd like to suggest That we all do our best
And warble a song about spring
Spring, spring, spring
Let's get together and sing
let's sing a gay little spring song
Just like the bird on the wind
Things always seem right When you're cheerful and bright
So let's get together and sing
Sing, Sing, sing
Let's sing a song about spring
Let's tweitter and tweet Like the birdies in May
Get into the mood And be merry today
Forget all your troubles And warble away...

Wait. What now?
Hey. Stop that bracket Scat.
I'll fix them
There, I guess. That'll teach them.
Oh what's the use?


Same thing every spring.
Tweet tweet tweet..
Love's sweet song.
Pain in the pin feathers, I call it.


Stop it. Get out of here. All of you.
And you, too.
Hello friend Owl.
Don't you remember me?
Why it's the young Prince. Bambi.
Haha My my, how you changed.
Turn around there.
Let me look at you.
I see you've traded in your spots for a pair of antlers.
You know, just the other day
I was talking to myself about you.
And we were wondering what it become of you.


Hello Bambi.
Remember me?
Hi fellas.


well, what's the matter with them?
Why are they acting that way?
Why don't you know?
They're twitterpated
Yes nearly everybody gets twitter pated in the spring time.
For example,
You're walking along, minding your own business.
You're looking neither to the left nor to the right,
when all of a sudden
you run smack into a pretty face.
you begin to get weak in the knees.
Your head's in a whirl.
And then you feel light as a feather.
And before you know it.
And them you know what?
you're knocked for a loop.
And you completely lose your head.
Gosh that's awful.
Gee whiz -Terrible.
And that ain't all.
It can happen to anybody.
So you'd better be careful.
It could happen to you and you,
Yes it could even happen to you.


Well, it's not going to happen to me.
Me neither.
Me neither.

Hello Bambi.
Don't you remember me?
I'm Faline.


I bring you a song and I sing as I go
For I want you to know.
That I'm looking for romance
I bring you a song
In the hope that you'll see
when you're looking at me
That I'm looking for love
I'm seeking that glow
Only found when you're young and it's May
When all longing is through
I'm seeking that glow
Only found when a thrill is complete
Only found when two hearts gently beat
to the strains of a walts that's both tender and new
I bring you a song
For I'm seeking romance
You're by my side
There's a moon up above
It shines with a light
That's so mellow and bright
It's easy to see That tonight we shall fall in love
I bring you a song
For I'm seeking romance
And you


It is man.
He is here again.
There are many this time.
We must go deep into the forest
Hurry. follow me.
Bambi, where are you?


He's coming.
Hush Be quiet.
He's coming closer.
Calm. Don't get excited.
We better fly.
No.no. don't fly.
What ever you do,
Don't fly.
He's almost here.
I can't stand it any longer.


Quick, Faline,Jump.
get up Bambi.
Get up.
You must get up.
Get up.
Get up.
Now, Come with me.


Wake up. wake up, friend owl.
Oh... what now?
Hey what's going on around here?
it's happened. -happened?
Yes. In the thicket.
Hurry up. Bambi.
Yes papa. I'm coming.


Two of them.
I don't believe i've ever seen a more
likely looking pair of fawns.
Frince Bambi ought to be mighty proud.

Love is a song
That never ends
One simple theme
Rpeating Like the voice of a heavenly choir
Love's sweet music
Flows on


2024 年 3 月 (龙年的春天) 继续努力制作儿童英语乐园。 愿望:让孩子们熟悉英语,视英语为小菜一碟。






